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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Climate tweets for 10 March 2014

Angry Australian summers will just get madder, scientists warn: @smh 

Senators will be up all night calling for climate action. Will you add your voice? … #Up4Climate

The Red Faces of the Solar Skeptics: @nytimes 

Public Transit Climate Shifting: Use In U.S. At 57-Year High, Report Finds: 

RT Chris Riedy ‏@chrisjriedy: This @climatecouncil infographic captures it all. Another #AngrySummer of heat, fire & drought as Oz climate changes

.@SenWhitehouse to lead 28 colleagues in marathon soliloquy on global warming: @projo 

RT Sheldon Whitehouse ‏@SenWhitehouse: Congress needs to wake up and take action on climate change. RT if you agree. #Up4Climate

RT Senator Harry Reid ‏@SenatorReid: It's time to stop acting like deniers – like the Koch brothers and those addicted to them – have a valid point of view. #Up4Climate

RT Sierra Club ‏@sierraclub: "Climate change is urgent, solvable, human-caused, and real." -Sen. Schatz (@brianschatz) #Up4Climate #ActOnClimate

RT Dana Nuccitelli ‏@dana1981: .@neiltyson tells @CNN: Stop giving ‘equal time to the flat Earthers’ | The Raw Story

RT Ron Wyden ‏@RonWyden: On my way to the Senate floor now to call for action on climate change. Tweet #Up4Climate to let Congress know inaction is not an option.

Denier think tank optimism on climate sensitivity ill-founded: @dana1981 

RT Kate Sheppard ‏@kate_sheppard: If I had known @InhofePress was going to give a speech, I would have made a bingo card. Al Gore! Climategate! It's cold outside! #Up4Climate

Editorial: Climate change: Weather of Olympian extremes: @guardian  

Why Martin Hoerling is off base (in NYT op-ed) on California drought: Open Mind 

State Dept KeystoneXL Review Assumes 'Global Failure to Address #Climate Change': … #NoKXL 

RT Andrew Dessler ‏@AndrewDessler: Important paper by Drew Shindell; explains low values of sensitivity from 20th century obs.; bad day to be a skeptic 

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