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Saturday, August 30, 2014

Climate tweets for 29 August 2014

Key question for anyone concerned about global warming or climate change: Are you registered to vote??? @ClimateHawkVote

Iceland's Seabird Colonies Vanishing, With "Massive" Chick Deaths: @natgeo: 
[wildlife, oceans, puffins, kittiwakes, terns]

Chile Poised to Pass South America’s First Carbon Tax: @climateprogress:

Seeking grant $, greedy salmon join climate conspiracy, move north:
[wildlife, sockeye, Washington, British Columbia]

RT Climate Reality @ClimateReality:
Columbia Glacier retreat from 1984-2011. It's like magic. Scary magic.

Climate change deniers see conspiracy in Australia's record-breaking heat:  via @Readfearn @guardian
[denial, science]

This Approach to Climate Action Doesn't Involve #Obama, Senate or @UN:  via @BloombergNews #divest!!
[investing, divestment]

RT Carbon Tracker @CarbonBubble:
Make this today's No 1RT: Please PM David Cameron - go to @UN #Climate2014 Summit @Number10gov
[United Kingdom]

Global warming slowdown periods to become 'thing of past' as emissions soar: via @smh
[science, denial]

Climate change health toll: ′We can save millions of lives, even now′: @dw_english:

Does Antarctic sea ice growth negate climate change? Scientists say no: @latimes:
[Antarctica, science]

Losing Ground: SE Louisiana Disappearing, Quickly:
[sea level, flooding]

Hawaii’s Largest Utility Plans to Triple Rooftop Solar By 2030: @climateprogress:
[energy, renewable energy, Hawaiian Electric Co.]

544 Young Women Want to Tell @UN About Urgency of Climate Change: @climateprogress: 

RT Dana Nuccitelli @dana1981:
Australian climate deniers are really going crazy with the conspiracy theories, as @readfearn details: … #TinFoilHatters
[science, denial, Jennifer Marohasy, Jo Nova, Graham Lloyd, Australian Bureau of Meteorology]

Why coal is (still) worse than fracking and cow burps: … via @MotherJones 
[science, Raymond Pierrehumbert]

Deforestation: Brazil is success story for conservation: @csmonitor: 
[forest, trees]

MT @sierraclub: In Tight Florida Gov Race, Climate Change Is Key Issue. "He's caught in crosshairs":  (@insideclimate)
[Rick Scott, Charlie Crist, denial, sea level]

El Niño Seen Delayed to End of Year as #Australia Stays on Watch: 

Myths & Facts About Koch Brothers: @mmfa: 
[denial, Joni Ernst, Tom Cotton, Cory Gardner, Iowa, Arkansas, Colorado, Americans for Prosperity, Marco Rubio, Florida, Freedom Partners Action Fund, Jennifer Rubin, John Podhoretz, American Energy Alliance, Don Nickles, Powerline, journalism, American Legislative Exchange Council]

RT L. Griffin @lngriffin25:
@climatehawk1 @ClimateHawkVote Also important to know sooner rather than later whether you're in a state that requires an ID to vote.

RT Michael E. Mann @MichaelEMann:
Climate Change Denier op-ed in Provo @HeraldExtra (by Mitt Romney's cousin!) nicely refuted in thoughtful LTE:
[denial, Pamela Openshaw, Steve Milloy, Advancement of Sound Science Center]

RT Green School Jakarta @mygreenjakarta:
@SheerWind @climatehawk1 @SFBusinessTimes @terraformnrg @GEO_Jan Terima kasih! (thank you!) and thank you all for inspiring and teaching us!

#FF/join/contribute to: @mmfa @climateprogress @ClimateCentral @citizensclimate @350 @ClimateReality #climate #divest !
#FF @mrsjcj @GoFossilFree @readingirl @CelloMomOnCars @BeyondCoal @p_hannam @AllanMargolin #climate

#FF @YaleClimateComm @CeresNews @ClimateHotNews @ClimateNow @CLIMATEMAMA @oscare2000 @wenstephenson @Climateate #climate

#FF @AndrewDessler @ClimateOfGavin @mle_marion @bradleyjdibble @healthy_climate @ForecastFacts @DebbySchade #climate

#FF @kellyrigg @readfearn @ClimateBites @CleanAirMoms @ForecastFacts @jackthelad1947 @hottopicnz @frankejames #climate

#FF @billmckibben @MichaelEMann @AGW_Prof @heidicullen @Bentler @climatecliff @YaleE360 @capital_climate #climate

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Climate tweets for 27 August 2014

RT Leonardo DiCaprio @LeoDiCaprio:
Seeing the impacts of #TarSands first hand with @SierraClub was a wake up call. #CleanEnergy now!

Climate Scientists Spell Out Stark Danger. Immorality Of Inaction In New Leaked Report:
[IPCC, science]

Why Electric Vehicles Are Beating Hydrogen Cars Today:
[EV, transportation, fuel cells]

RT CitizensClimateLobby @citizensclimate:
Oh, crap: World’s Existing Power Plants Will Emit 300 Billion Tons Of CO2 In Their Lifetimes:

Climate change may disrupt global food system w/i decade, @WorldBank says: @p_hannam @smh:
[farming, agriculture, flooding, drought, water]

Obama Pursuing Climate Accord in Lieu of Treaty: @CoralMDavenport:

Full extent of global coal 'binge' is hidden: researchers: @BBCNews:

Russia’s warming faster than rest of planet—disease, drought, forest fires result: @qz:
[wildfire, health]

Will Iconic Sequoias Fall to Climate Change?: @LiveScience:
[trees, forests, drought, water]

.@EDF plans climate vote pledge campaign in Colorado:  via @washingtonpost 

Iowa GOP Senate Nominee, Climate Change Denier Says Koch Network ‘Started My Trajectory’:
[denial, Joni Ernst, Americans for Prosperity, American Legislative Exchange Council, ALEC, Heritage Foundation, Tom Cotton, Cory Gardner, Marco Rubio, Mitch McConnell]

'Climate Change' and 'Global Warming': A pictorial history: 
… via @skepticscience 

6 Ways @WashingtonPost Could Show It’s Serious About Climate Change: @climateprogress: 
[journalism, George Will, Charles Krauthammer, Sarah Palin, Bjoern Lomborg, Fred Hiatt, Volokh Conspiracy, denial]

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Climate tweets for 26 August 2014

RT Al Gore @algore:
Are you the voice of your generation on climate change? Ask #WhyWhyNot of leaders from across the world. 

'Clean Coal' Ruled False Advertising by UK Regulators: @motherboard:

RT Michael Pollan @michaelpollan:
Save the date, #Sept21. Join the #PeoplesClimate March. To change everything, we need everyone.

Guatemala Declares State of Emergency Due to Drought: @AP @ABC:
[food, farming, agriculture, water]

[Australia, investing, divestment]

Leaked @IPCC report: Impacts of climate change may be “severe, pervasive, irreversible”: @Salon

"Peak Water," Methane Blowholes, Ice-Free Arctic Cruises: Climate Crisis Deepens: @truthout:

Zoomed-In Climate Models Help Alaska Communities Plan for Uncertain Future: @InsideClimate:

Rising sea levels will threaten Beaufort County, group says:
[South Carolina, flooding]

Antarctic Riddle: How Much/Fast Will South Pole Melt?: @ClimateCentral:
[science, glaciers, sea level]

Olive oil prices set to rise sharply after Andalusia drought: @guardian:
[food, farming, agriculture, water, Spain]

Why Nebraska’s ‘Top Climate Denier’ Congressman Could Lose Seat In November: @climateprogress:
[denial, Lee Terry]

RT @dana1981: Athabasca Glacier: a tragic vanishing act:
… via @skepticscience by @andyskuce 
[science, glaciers, sea level, Canada]

When Climate Change Denial Refutes Itself: @PacificStand:  h/t @BruceMaine2

Water as WMD?: In Iraq, Battle for Control of Water: @YaleE360: 

U.S. Govt Auditors: 'Social Cost of Carbon' Is by the Book: @InsideClimate:

RT VICTORIA VICTORY @victoria31416:
Australia Conservationists spread message of hope, not loss:  via @dw_globalideas

RT Suzanne Goldenberg @suzyji:
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Are Growing, and Growing More Dangerous, Draft of U.N. Report Says:
[IPCC, science]

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Climate tweets for 25 August 2014

Ocean circulation: Why Arctic is affected more than Antarctic by global warming:

Ocean Acidification Threatens Economies, Cultures Around World: @EcoWatch:
[food, fishing]

RT Media Matters @mmfa:
AP profile of Koch bros. leaves out fossil fuel industry ties, $67 million donated to climate change denial groups:
[journalism, Nancy Benac] 

Cutting emissions pays for itself, @MIT study finds: @ScienceDaily:
[science, air pollution, health]

Indian Ocean heatwave offers glimpse into climate change impacts: @physorg_com:
[science, fishing, food]

Preview of climate future?: How California 1% avoid drought impact: @politico:

Inside look at U.S. think tank ALEC's plans to undo climate legislation:  via @torontostar 
[denial, American Legislative Exchange Council]

Historic Wildfires Burn Through Canada As Sub-Arctic Forests Heat Up: @climateprogress: 

RT walthewitt @walthewitt:
New Study Provides More Evidence That Global Warming ‘Pause’ Is A Myth:  via @climateprogress

China Races Ahead of Pack as Bike Sharing Goes Viral: @BloombergNews: 
[transportation, oil]

Editorial: The country’s sinking #climate debate: @WashingtonPost (host of #denier columnists):

Decker Glacier lake at Whistler sign of melt to come: @CBCNews: 
[sea level, Canada, British Columbia]

Unpacking unpaused global warming – climate models got it right|: @dana1981 @guardian: 
[science, denial]

RT Peter Dykstra @pdykstra:
After his tar sands criticism, angry Alberta Govt masses troops on border of @LeoDiCaprio:
[Leonardo DiCaprio]

RT Michael Oppenheimer @ClimateOpp:
Small consolation: Despite CO2, climate change, we may still have coffee -
[science, food, farming, agriculture]

RT DeSmogBlog @DeSmogBlog:
Koch-Tied Roots of Senator Vitter's Green Billionaires Club Environmental Attack Report:
[David Vitter, Kristina Moore, Mercatus Center]

RT habitatthegame @habitatthegame:
@climatehawk1 we have a #kidsapp that teaches kids about climate change. They learn about everyday actions that can save C02, H20 & land

Monday, August 25, 2014

Climate tweets for 24 August 2014

Meltdown: 'Incredible' rate of polar ice loss alarms scientists: @guardian:
[Greenland, Antarctica, glaciers, sea level]

Oil industry on borrowed time as switch to gas and solar accelerates: @Telegraph:
[energy, natural gas]

Editorial: Climate change is upon us and we must act: @guardian:

Sorry @BillGates, You Are Wrong on Renewable Energy: @GreentechMedia: 
[Bill Gates, denial]

While Kansas debates climate change, Europe acts:
[science, denial]

RT Scott A Mandia @AGW_Prof:
Greenland ice melting away-> Increases sea levels-> Makes all storm surges higher-> Increased hit to our wallets. 

Churches at Front Line of Climate Action: @IPSnews:
[faith, religion]

Right's New Strategy on Climate: Criticize Billionaires' Spending: 

Feds cutting funds from key programs to fight wildfires: @mydesert:

RT m.myers @marshallmyers53:
“@climateprogress: Renewables will play a huge role:
[energy, renewable energy, solar, wind energy, wind power]

Hunger ahead? CO2 Can Reduce Food Value: @livingonearth:
[science, farming, agriculture]

Long Island Sound becoming more acidic, scientists say: @Newsday:  
[oceans, acidification]

100s of Californians now on bottled water rationing due to drought: 

Indiana county deals with flooding after up to 10 in (250 mm) of rain:

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Climate tweets for 22 August 2014

Chilling: Meteorologists preparing for worst: @News24:

California Drought: Wild Salmon Competing with Almonds for Water: @NPRFood:
[food, wildlife, farming, agriculture]

Water crisis threatens thirsty Sao Paulo: @physorg_com:
[Brazil, drought]

Greenland, West Antarctic Ice Sheet Loss More Than Doubled In Last 5 Years:
[glaciers, sea level]

Record harvest loss, food shortages hit dry Sri Lanka: @reliefweb:
[drought, farming, agriculture]

Opinion: A Beach Project Built on Sand: @nytimes:
[sea level, New York]

SW Chicago Suburbs Hit Hard By Flooding: @cbschicago:

Meet scientists who sat down with Florida Gov. Rick Scott and explained climate change: @Salon
[denial, science]

Climate Change and Implications for National Security: @intpolicydigest:

Unusually Wet Summer Brings Flooding, Landslides Across Japan: @wsj: 

Food, drinks cos respond to consumer pressure on climate change: @guardian: 
[investing, divestment]

Scientists Drop Jargon, UNLOAD About Climate Change:

Tale of Two Cities: Miami, New York and Life on the Edge: @ClimateCentral:
[sea level, flooding]

Greenland’s Late August Rain Over Melt Ponds is Glacial Outburst Flood Hazard:
[glaciers, flooding]

Lord Byron's 'Darkness': Post-Apocalyptic Tale of Climate Change: @motherboard:

RT Michael E. Mann @MichaelEMann:
"Climate change deniers resort to character attacks" by Gene Lyons in The @StarDem_news: 
[science, denial, Mark Steyn, National Review]

RT TckTckTck @tcktcktck:
Time for Merkel to decide - will she side with fossil fuel corporations or the people? ActionNotWords:
[Lausitz, Germany, coal, Angela Merkel]

Five Ways Climate Deniers Are Dead Wrong: @ClimateReality @EcoWatch:
[science, denial]

Friday, August 22, 2014

Climate tweets for 21 August 2014

How Murdoch Pushed Australia Into Climate Change Retreat: @mmfa: 
[journalism, denial, Media Matters for America]

If You Think Water Crisis Can't Get Worse, Wait Until Aquifers Are Drained: @natgeo:

Climate change scientist calls on colleagues to speak up on global warming debate: @smh:
[science, denial, Michael Raupach]

In "incredible" finding, Greenland ice loss doubles from late 2000s: @BBCNews:
[glaciers, sea level]

Why I'm a Climate Change Alarmist: @EricHolthaus @FutureTenseNow:
[science, denial]

Africa to Add More Renewable Energy in 2014 Than Past 14 Years: @BloombergNews:
[solar, wind energy, wind power]

Enjoy your coffee while you can. Climate change is coming to ruin it: @fastcoexist:
[food, farming, agriculture]

Environmentalists trading purity for pragmatism in 2014: @washingtonpost:
[politics, NextGen Climate Action, Tom Steyer, Joni Ernst, Natural Resources Defense Council, Environmental Defense Fund, NRDC, EDF, Bruce Braley, Chris Gibson]

California ‘Woefully Unprepared’ for Sea Level Rise, Says New Report: @climateprogress:

New Republican ploy: Florida Gov. Scott avoids global warming stand but "seeks solutions": 
[Rick Scott, denial]

How 'Tiny' SuperPAC Is Taking on Congress's Climate Apathy: @InsideClimate: 
[Climate Hawks Vote]

Heat accumulating deep in Atlantic Ocean has reduced surface global warming:

Scientist in focus – meteorologist and climate communicator Paul Huttner: @guardian:

Outlook 4 #climate talks: A deal--but not enough: … via @sciam 

Climate change ‘major challenge’ to South Asia’s economic development: @CarbonBrief:
[Asian Development Bank, economy]

RT 350 dot org @350:
One month to go. So much on the line.
[People's Climate March]

RT Michael E. Mann @MichaelEMann:
If climate change is a national security threat (@CoralMDavenport @NYTimes: ) then so too is climate change denial

#FF/join/contribute to: @mmfa @climateprogress @ClimateCentral @citizensclimate @350 @ClimateReality #climate #divest !
#FF @Lovemotherocean @HannahMurdockTX @algore @MartinScribbles @StephenLeahy @GWFotD @IdiotTracker @DanJWeiss #climate

#FF @TenneyNaumer @billbills @AdamPeretzman @johnlundin @TheEarthNetwork @FaunKime @alannogee @NobleIdeas #climate

#FF @Alex_Verbeek @climategeek @firebobbc @Lee_Tennant @bberwyn @suzyji @earthvisiontrst @DeSmogCanada #climate

#FF @DeSmogBlog @kkaufmann @chriscmooney @DRTucker @greenroofsuk @djspratt @climate_ice @dana1981 @TheDailyClimate #climate

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Climate tweets for 19 August 2014

What I learned from debating science with trolls: @ConversationEDU:

July Checks In as 4th Warmest on Record Worldwide: @ClimateCentral:

Climate change and the intellectual decline of the right: @insidestorymag:

How Climate Change Is Melting Ski Industry: @LizBurakowski @ClimateDesk:
[science, skiing]

Louisville, fastest-warming city in U.S., reaches for brakes:
[Kentucky, adaptation]

2 reports warn LA County residents climate change can affect health: @ladailynews:
[science, California, Los Angeles]

Climate disruption and how we can solve it: @ClimateReality:

Research Suggests #Climate Models Underestimate Climate Sensitivity:

Jet Stream Changes Driving Extreme Weather Linked Again to Global Warming, Arctic Ice Loss: 

How Arctic Sea Ice Could Shrink Even More: @ClimateCentral: 

RT 350 dot org @350:
We are ready to bend the arc of history towards climate justice. #peoplesclimate:
[People's Climate March]

Solar Boom Driving 1st Global Panel Shortage Since 2006: @BloombergNews:
[energy, renewable energy]

Ice Sheet Fluctuations Can Cause Abrupt Climate Change in Warming World: @sciencewr: 

RT Climate Progress @climateprogress:
Wildfire burns near Yosemite National Park, prompts evacuation of thousands:

‘Cosmos’ garners 4 Emmys, ‘Years of Living Dangerously’ top nonfiction series:

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Climate tweets for 18 August 2014

Warm seas keep world on track for hot year: @p_hannam @smh: 
[science, oceans]

Marine economy sinks as ocean acidity rises: @ClimateNewsNet:
[oceans, fishing, food]

Global warming denial rears its ugly head around (English) world:  via @dana1981 @guardian
[science, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia]

West’s historic drought stokes fears of water crisis: @washingtonpost:

Flip-Flop Summer Caused by Strange Jet Stream: @sciam:

Wildfires Strike Northwest U.S., Northern California: @natgeo:
[fire, Oregon, Washington]

Australian PM still determined to kill renewable energy target: @Renew_Economy: 
[Tony Abbott, denial]

'Unprecedented' 40,000 seabirds dead after year of U.K. storms:
[wildlife, birds, United Kingdom, Wales]

RT Michael E. Mann @MichaelEMann:
"Why Michael Mann’s Defamation Suit Against Climate Denialists Is the Right Move" @EthanElkind of @UCLA Legal Planet:
[denial, science, National Review, Mark Steyn]

India: Climate Change Causing Slide in Kerala Farm Produce: @NewIndianXpress:
[farming, food, agriculture]

MIT Study: Climate Talks on Path to Fall Far Short of Goals: @InsideClimate:

Mega Drought in Spain Threatens to Drive Up Olive Oil Prices: @climateprogress:
[food, farming, agriculture]

Monday, August 18, 2014

Climate tweets for 17 August 2014

California’s Record Heat Like Nothing You’ve Ever Seen ... Yet: @BloombergNews:
[heat waves]

Maine coastal economy threatened by ocean acidification: @BBRegister:
[science, fishing]

Snowpack atop Arctic sea ice has dwindled since 1950s, study says:

20 Powerful Photos That Show Severe Reality of Climate Change Today: @TheMetaPicture:

California Dems in tight races balk at climate talk: @TheHill:

Opinion: Beware dragon of runaway climate change: @JulianCribb @brisbanetimes:
[Arctic, methane]

Detroit is drowning: Why our cities are in danger (& global warming’s 2 blame): @Salon:
[science, flooding]

Polar Bears: Time for a wakeup call: @Arctic_Journal:

World’s Only Stand-Up Economist Explains Climate Change: @standupecon @myHNN:
[Yoram Bauman, Cartoon Introduction to Climate Change]

Champion California Water Waster: Golf:

Chicken Hawks: Many Republicans Privately Support Action On Climate:  via @BloombergNews

RT Justice@UCC @JusticeUCC:
In NYC on September 21? March in the People's Climate March - largest climate march in history: 

Climate change reflected in altered Missouri River flow, USGS report says: @latimes:
[science, drought, flooding]

Montana: Big Sky Country, Big Climate Problems: @HuffPostGreen:

RT Michael E. Mann @MichaelEMann:
Congrats @YearsOfLiving 4 much-deserved #Emmy. Proud to have been adviser for the project ( …)