Giving Up Fossil Fuels to Save the Climate: The $28 Trillion Writedown: @BW
[investing, divestment, carbon bubble]
Break the Koch Machine: @HuffPostPol
Climate change to profoundly alter Great Lakes region, summary report says: @physorg_com
Alaska: N. Slope birds nesting earlier to keep pace w/ earlier snowmelt:
[science, phenology, wildlife]
Hotter, larger tropics more vulnerable to climate change: @ChannelNewsAsia
[science, Asia]
Quakers Move Their Money to Protect the Planet: @QuakerEarthcare
[faith, investing, divestment]
Adapting to Dry Season That Never Seems to End: @IPSnews
[food, farming, agriculture, Caribbean]
RT Wen Stephenson @wenstephenson:
An honest account of our current situation. "Climate: Will We Lose the Endgame?" by @billmckibben in @nybooks
[Bill McKibben]
RT Sierra Club @sierraclub:
Will you join us in NYC on Sept. 21 for the People's Climate March? #ActOnClimate
RT Naomi Oreskes @NaomiOreskes:
Excellent summary of “Risky Business” Climate Report #NakedCapitalism
RT ClimateCommunication @ClimateComms:
Congratulations to @ClimateComms Science Advisor @KHayhoe for winning the AGU Climate Communication Prize!
[Katharine Hayhoe]