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Monday, June 30, 2014

Climate tweets for 29 June 2014

Costs of doing nothing on global warming would haunt us for centuries: @350

Giving Up Fossil Fuels to Save the Climate: The $28 Trillion Writedown: @BW
[investing, divestment, carbon bubble]

Break the Koch Machine: @HuffPostPol

Climate change to profoundly alter Great Lakes region, summary report says: @physorg_com

Alaska: N. Slope birds nesting earlier to keep pace w/ earlier snowmelt:
[science, phenology, wildlife]

Hotter, larger tropics more vulnerable to climate change: @ChannelNewsAsia
[science, Asia]

Quakers Move Their Money to Protect the Planet: @QuakerEarthcare
[faith, investing, divestment]

Adapting to Dry Season That Never Seems to End: @IPSnews
[food, farming, agriculture, Caribbean]

RT Wen Stephenson @wenstephenson:
An honest account of our current situation. "Climate: Will We Lose the Endgame?" by @billmckibben in @nybooks
[Bill McKibben]

RT Sierra Club @sierraclub:
Will you join us in NYC on Sept. 21 for the People's Climate March?

RT Naomi Oreskes @NaomiOreskes:
Excellent summary of “Risky Business” Climate Report #NakedCapitalism

RT ClimateCommunication @ClimateComms:
Congratulations to @ClimateComms Science Advisor @KHayhoe for winning the AGU Climate Communication Prize!
[Katharine Hayhoe]

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Climate tweets for 27 June 2014

Fruit, vegetable prices going up as California drought continues: @latimes
[water, food, farming, agriculture]

RT Mindy Lubber @MindyLubber:
Ceres signed new "Putting a Price on Carbon" statement & encourages others to sign on too - organized by @WorldBank
[carbon bubble, investing, divestment]

Mediterranean region struggles w/ warming, acidification, jellyfish blooms:
[oceans, fishing]

WATCH: Coal Co. CEO Says Carbon Regulations ‘Evil’: @climateprogress
[Murray Energy, Robert Murray, denial, greed]

What Climate Change Will Do to U.S. Economy In 7 Charts; @climateprogress
[science, Risky Business]

False Balance or Die: CNBC Solicits Writer To Claim Global Warming Is "Hoax":
[denial, journalism]

Global Warming in EU: Damages Seen Hitting $259 Billion: @IBTimesAU
[science, economy]

Liberia's Poor and the Rising Sea: @allafrica 
[sea level, Africa, poverty, flooding]

How the Media Fails to Cover Climate Science: @Newsweek

RT My Generation @MyGenerationSC:
.@PaulKoretzCD5 introduces motion to make big cuts to L.A.'s carbon footprint #ActOnClimate

RT ClimateCommunication @ClimateComms:
Economic impacts of ocean acidification significant in Maine; State launches initiative to combat acidifying waters.

In Case You Were Wondering: John Droz Is Not A Climate Change Expert
[denial, North Carolina, sea level]

RT Andrew Dessler @AndrewDessler:
Congratulations, @AGW_Prof Scott Mandia on winning an AGU ambassador award. A great reward for your hard work for the climate sci community

RT CitizensClimateLobby @citizensclimate:
Great CCL op-ed in St. Louis! MT @DRTucker: Making the people's case for effective climate legislation

RT Leo Hickman @LeoHickman:
Nice Storify by @readfearn on his revelation about Lomborg's $$$ pay packet
[Bjoern Lomborg, denial, Koch]

Friday, June 27, 2014

Climate tweets for 26 June 2014

With heat/humidity, U.S. areas will be 'unsuited for outdoor activity' in future: @PlanetArk

Canadian govt says climate change will make weather more extreme: @globeandmail

Scale of Minnesota flooding "overwhelming": Gov. Dayton: @StarTribune

Photos: Site of U.S. World Cup Match Hit With Massive Flooding

RT @climateprogress: Toronto underwater, again

President Obama becomes Mocker-in-Chief of climate change "skeptics": via @POLITICO

High-tech firms focus on energy efficiency to confront climate change: @latimes

RT ClimateNexusHotNews @ClimateHotNews:
.@PolitiFact gives Fox's @sdoocy a Pants-On-Fire rating for distorted climate coverage: 
[denial, journalism, Steve Doocy]

MT @ClimateNow: Common sense prevails as BBC upholds Today programme climate complaint:
[denial, journalism, Global Warming Policy Foundation]

RT ClimateCommunication @ClimateComms:
6 climate change myths, debunked:
… For more answers to common climate questions, check out:
[science, denial]

RT 350orBust @350orbust1:
Chairman of Largest Company in America Just Told 1% to Worry About Global Warming:
[Cargill, Greg Page]… #uspoli #pricecarbon

Plastic Stones, Melting Snails: 3 New Ways 2 Maim a Planet: @rollingstone

#FF/join/contribute to: @mmfa @climateprogress @ClimateCentral @citizensclimate @350 @ClimateReality #climate #divest !

#FF @Lovemotherocean @HannahMurdockTX @algore @MartinScribbles @StephenLeahy @GWFotD @IdiotTracker @DanJWeiss #climate

#FF @TenneyNaumer @billbills @AdamPeretzman @johnlundin @TheEarthNetwork @FaunKime @alannogee @NobleIdeas #climate

#FF @Alex_Verbeek @climategeek @firebobbc @Lee_Tennant @bberwyn @suzyji @earthvisiontrst @DeSmogCanada #climate

#FF @DeSmogBlog @kkaufmann @chriscmooney @DRTucker @greenroofsuk @djspratt @climate_ice @dana1981 @TheDailyClimate #climate

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Climate tweets for 25 June 2014

Tackling climate change would grow global economy, @WorldBank says: @suzyji

Vast Stretches of Minnesota Flooded as Swollen Rivers Overflow:

Minneapolis: 86% of normal summer rain (June-August) with week left in June:

RT Eric Holthaus @EricHolthaus: 
Not good: Twin Cities: >4" add'l rain next 7 days. MS River's 7th highest crest all-time tmrw.
[Minnesota, flooding]

North Korea army mobilised as rivers run dry in worst drought in years: 
[water, food, farming, agriculture]

Average seasonal rainfall in India on decline, reveals Stanford study: @IndiaToday
[water, food, farming, agriculture]

One Quarter of India Turning Into Desert: @climateprogress
[water, food, drought, farming, agriculture]

Factchecking [BS] claims @IPCC says no dangerous global warming this century: @CarbonBrief:
[science, denial]

On N.C.’s Outer Banks, scary climate change predictions prompt change of forecast:
[North Carolina, sea level, denial]

5 Canadian govt graphs that put Conservative climate change 'skeptics' on defensive:

RT Naomi Oreskes @NaomiOreskes:
Now on sale in USA: Collapse of Western Civilization @ErikMConway @CUP

RT Daniel J. Weiss @DanJWeiss:
ICYMI: #RiskyBusiness report from bipartisan panel frames Climate Change in economic terms. It could cost billions
[Risky Business] 

As Sea Levels Rise, Norfolk Is Sinking and Planning: @NPRnews 
[flooding, Virginia]

RT Heidi Cullen @HeidiCullen:
Alaska recorded its 2nd warmest Jan-May since records began in 1918:

RT InsideClimate News @insideclimate:
British Medical Association votes to end investments in fossil fuels, first health organization to agree to divest:
[United Kingdom, divestment]

RT Dana Nuccitelli @dana1981:
The Millions Behind Bjorn Lomborg's Copenhagen Consensus Center US Think Tank … via @DeSmogBlog by @readfearn

Climate Change Deniers Prevail In Colorado GOP Primaries:

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Climate tweets for 24 June 2014

Drifting off Portugal is frontrunner in global race for floating windfarms: 
[wind energy, wind power, offshore wind]

Too Hot to Handle: Heat wave deaths likely to climb as planet warms:

King Coal's crown starts to slip amid rising investment backlash in Australia: @smh
[investing, divestment]

Why we care about the 97% expert consensus on human-caused global warming: @dana1981

.@MikeBloomberg, Hank Paulson, @TomSteyer kick off "Risky Business" #carbontax effort:

Report Details Economic Impacts of Climate Change: @tnr

Bipartisan Report Tallies High Toll on Economy From Global Warming:

RT Scaling Green @scalinggreen:
Fox News Cites Birther To Claim NASA "Faked" Global Warming
[denial, Steven Goddard]

RT 350 dot org @350:
Hot off the presses: @350Mass's new report on the climate case against natural gas:

RT bennydiego @bennydiego:
#ActOnClimate #climatechange #climate #GlobalWarming #cleanair #cleanwater #windpower #solarpower 

RT Barack Obama @BarackObama:
Solar energy is more accessible than you think: #ActOnClimate in your own community. #PutSolarOnIt:

RT Emergency Management @EmergencyMgtMag:
6 key takeaways from Colorado’s devastating flooding:
RT Michael E. Mann @MichaelEMann:
RT @ClimateNow US House votes to direct the Pentagon to disregard #climatechange assessments:  #DangerouslyMisguided

MT @climate_politix: 
Why National Carbon Tax Would Be Amazing — In 4 Charts:

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Climate tweets for 23 June 2014

.@NOAA confirms: May 2014 was warmest on record: @climateprogress:

San Francisco begins to tackle problem of rising sea level: … @American_Media_ 

Too Hot to Handle: Heat wave deaths likely to climb as planet warms: 
[science, health]

RT Bill McKibben @billmckibben:
Student pressure causes Ohio Univ. to cancel gas plant!!

Live webcast - Tues. 8:30am EDT - Hank Paulson @MikeBloomberg @TomSteyer "Risky Business" Climate Risk Report Release:
[Michael Bloomberg, Tom Steyer]

A deepening crisis: Drought strains Texas communities: @dallasnews:

RT Fossil Free @GoFossilFree:
Mining lobby tries to make the case that divestment is illegal. Instead makes the case that it WORKS.

U of Dayton Board Votes Unanimously to Divest from Fossil Fuels:

RT @billmckibben: April, May were each warmest on record. It's as if there was some kind of trend...

RT Heidi Cullen @HeidiCullen:
May 2014 warmest May on record, developing El Niño means 2014 could be warmest year:

#Climatedeaths: Killer flooding hits Bulgaria: @reuters

RT Moms Clean Air Force @CleanAirMoms:
10 Tweetable Extreme #Weather Facts 

RT Dana Nuccitelli @dana1981:
How Rupert Murdoch created the world’s newest climate change villain … via @Salon by @alexanderwhite
[Tony Abbott, Australia]

RT Carbon Tracker @CarbonBubble:
The coming climate crash 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Climate tweets for 22 June 2014

RT John Mashey @JohnMashey: 
Doonesbury: climate consensus, ~ diagnosed for heart disease by 99 cardiologists, seek retired G.P. to say no worry
[denial, Garry Trudeau]

Heavy rains flood U.S. farmers' fields, damage crops: @PlanetArk

RT TenneyNaumer @TenneyNaumer:
Climate change causing weather patterns to get stuck in place, leading to extreme weather events: @usatoday

New 'Axis of Weasels' as Canada, Australia aim to block action on global warming:

Rainstorms, flooding prompt emergency response in China:

California Drought: Snowmelt's path shows impact from Sierra to Pacific:
[water, agriculture, farming, food]

Former Bush Treasury Secretary: We Can Prevent ‘Climate Crash’ With Carbon Tax
[Hank Paulson] 

U.S. corn gravy train faces derailment: @ClimateNewsNet
[science, food, farming, drought, flooding]

'2nd punch' of ocean acidification threatens South Carolina coast:
[science, food, fishing]

RT Leo Hickman @LeoHickman:
Millions will die early because of smog caused by climate change
@natureclimate paper ->
[air pollution]

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Climate tweets for 20 June 2014

RT ClimateNow @ClimateNow:
Jon Stewart Explains How to Make GOP Senators Care About Climate

Record floods in Midwest U.S. may be part of larger pattern, locals say: @csmonitor

Last Straw: How Las Vegas Will Rise Or Fall w/ Lake Mead: @popsci
[drought, water, Nevada]

New Energy Maps Show 4 Cool Things About Renewables: @ClimateCentral
[renewable energy, wind energy, wind power, solar, geothermal]

Summertime Blues? U.S. Seeing Red as Temps Rise: @ClimateCentral

One year after Alberta floods, altered landscape for insurers: @globeandmail
[flooding, Canada, risk, insurance]

How Dust On Colorado’s Snow Could Ruin Your Salad: @climateprogress 
[water, drought, food, farming, agriculture]

RT Paul Thacker @thackerpd:
The Breakthrough Institute boys take it on the chin 

Friday, June 20, 2014

Climate tweets for 19 June 2014

RT 350 dot org @350:
May 2014: 
-351st consecutive mo. of above av. temps 
-puts us on track for hottest year ever 

The Fox-ification of global warming and "war on coal": @dana1981 @guardian

Words Matter When Talking Global Warming: The ‘Good Anthropocene’ Debate

World energy systems under threat from climate change: Report: @tcktcktck

Low Electricity Prices In Texas Show How Wind Energy Is Good For Consumers
[renewable energy]

RT ClimateNow @ClimateNow:
These 5 charts show why the world is still failing on climate change 

Despite Industry Attacks, Americans Still Love New Proposed @EPA Carbon Rules

RT Lou Pratt @lpratt53:
Four former GOP EPA Admins plead with Fellow GOPers to acknowledge Global Warming

#FF/join/contribute to: @mmfa @climateprogress @ClimateCentral @citizensclimate @350 @ClimateReality #climate #divest !

#FF @GoFossilFree @CelloMomOnCars @BeyondCoal @moxyladies @SeaShepherdSal #climate

#FF @yalemediaforum @CeresNews @ClimateHotNews @ClimateNow @CLIMATEMAMA @oscare2000 @wenstephenson @Climateate #climate

#FF @AndrewDessler @ClimateOfGavin @mle_marion @bradleyjdibble @healthy_climate @ForecastFacts @DebbySchade #climate

#FF @kellyrigg @readfearn @ClimateBites @CleanAirMoms @ForecastFacts @jackthelad1947 @hottopicnz @frankejames #climate

#FF @billmckibben @MichaelEMann @AGW_Prof @heidicullen @Bentler @climatecliff @YaleE360 @capital_climate #climate

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Climate tweets for 18 June 2014

RT David Spratt @djspratt:
Why ignoring climate change is no longer a viable political strategy for conservatives (Bloomberg) … MT @NobleIdeas

How insurance industry sees climate change: @latimes 

Meltdown: Greenland ice melt dramatically exceeds 1981-2010 avg: 
[sea level, glaciers, science]

How Do People Not Believe in Climate Change, and How Can I Become One of Them?: @VICE

Hottest Spring On Record Globally, Reports Japan Meteorological Agency: 

Drought in Syria: a Major Cause of Civil War?: @WUnderground
[water, food, farming, agriculture]

RT ~sk @da3frog:
Al Gore essay in Rolling Stone, June18, 2014: "The Turning Point: New Hope for the #Climate" 

.@ElonMusk Takes on Climate Change with Big Bets on Solar, Battery Tech: @mashable:

RT JPascal van Ypersele @JPvanYpersele:
Al Gore: The most important [policy tool] has long been identified: ...a price on carbon ... MT @cwhope

MT @ClimateNow: Record California Fire Season Drives Climate Change Into News: 
[wildfire, drought, journalism]

Koch-Funded Group Targets Kansas Republicans Who Supported Clean Energy:
[denial, renewable energy, wind energy, wind power]

.@ElizKolbert's "The Sixth Extinction": @hottopicnz 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Climate tweets for 17 June 2014

RT Michael E. Mann @MichaelEMann:
"Earth Has Warmest May on Record..Spring Could Be Warmest" via @Mashable (h/t @PeterGleick): … #WarmingHasStopped #NOT

RT Bill McKibben @billmckibben: 
CA drought dries up honey supply … 'never seen a year like this'

#ClimateDeaths: Indian Heat Wave Claims 100s Of Lives: @climateprogress

How to Sell a Carbon Tax: @BV
[investing, divestment, carbon bubble]

MT @SierraClubCA: National People's #Climate March in NYC this coming September

The Delusion of the “Good Anthropocene”: Reply to Andrew @Revkin: @CliveCHamilton 

RT Hot Topic @hottopicnz:
Extreme weather? It’s here now, and I’m getting fed up with it: 

Crunch time: Fight over renewable energy continues in Kansas GOP primary: @LJWorld
[Koch, denial]

Asia ponders future that is too hot to grow: @ChinaDailyUSA

MT @CoCreatr: U.S. Climate Action—The Truth About Its “Costs” … via @rockymtninst 

UK & China just released this joint statement on #Climate Action … via @jconnoroz 

Sioux Falls, S.D., 38% above monthly all-time rainfall record w/ 14 days left in June:

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Climate tweets for 16 June 2014

Climate change: Historians will look back and ask 'why didn't they act?': @guardian

Big trouble in Antarctic has been brewing 4 long time: @djspratt 
[glaciers, sea level]

Coal's share of energy market at highest level since 1970: @guardian

Daddy, Could We Have Our Planet Back Now?: @climateprogress

Vanishing water: Global warming strains SW U.S. water supply: @mydesert 

RT OccupyPhotojournal @OccupyPhotojour:
Arctic Ice Melt, Psychopathic Capitalism & Corporate Media

Dinosaurs score anti-climate victory as Ohio freezes Renewable Energy Standard

RT 350Australia @350Australia:
@350Australia is nearing 4k followers! Follow us and help us get there and spread the word re #climate, #divestment, #endcoal!

RT Moms Clean Air Force @CleanAirMoms:
Salmon migrate by truck during California drought:  via @sacbee_news 

Dried up: Poverty in America's drought lands: @DeseretNews 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Climate tweets for 15 June 2014

Melting Antarctic glaciers ‘climate tipping point’, Bonn meeting told:
[sea level]

Euro Space Agency scientist: Sea level rise best measure of global warming: @guardian
[science, European Space Agency]

Museums tiptoe around global warming: @dallasnews 
[science, education, denial]

RT janice cowley @moxyladies:
India's oppressive heat wave already bears the fingerprint of global warming

RT Peter Hannam @p_hannam:
Models 'grossly underestimate' costs of global warming, Nicholas Stern says 

Obama: Climate Change Deniers Ignoring Science: @ABC

Tucson, other Arizona cities could be hit by water shortage much sooner than expected: 

Corn / drought: Climate change hits America in gut: @TheDailyClimate
[farming, food, agriculture]

Sea level rise will bring floods to parts of Silicon Valley: @inquirerdotnet 
[flooding, California]

RT Climate Reality @ClimateReality:
Wind turbines are a reality for clean power generation now. RT for Global Wind Day
[energy, wind energy]

RT Andrew Freedman @afreedma:
If you’ve been waiting for Obama to go after climate skeptics, full throttle, then this was the speech for you: 

Hillary Clinton hints at climate change fears in new book: @RTCCnews