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Monday, February 24, 2014

Climate tweets for 23 February 2014

Saving trees in time of drought: @sacbee 

RT Marshall Shepherd ‏@DrShepherd2013: Nice comprehensive discussion of so-called warming "pause" by a former @nasa colleague I trust. 

RT ClimateNow ‏@ClimateNow: The Economist: Humans are damaging the high seas. Now the oceans are doing harm back 

Wildlife casualties of U.K. floods grow amid fears over 'polluted' wetlands: @guardian 

Drought Could Drain More Than Brazil's Coffee Crop: @WVPublic 

Al Gore brings climate change message to Kansas City: @kcstar 

Former energy sec Chu: climate change like lung cancer for our grandchildren: 

RT Ana Elisa Fuentes ‏@anaelisafoto: Al Gore on the impact of lobbies, special interests on the legislative process #ALEC RT @ken_homer

Climate change, circular economy take centre stage at Davos: @guardian 

CVS gave up tobacco – could fossil fuels be next?: @guardian

RT Scott A Mandia ‏@AGW_Prof: @BarackObama Whore-calling Krauthammer or Science, Military, Health, and Insurance experts? Who are YOU listening to? 

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