350 dot org @350: This is so good. RT @fossilfreeau: Over 70 @AmericanU students stage a silent vigil at entrance to Trustees meeting http://pic.twitter.com/wFB8Url9iU
Global temperature warm "streak" nears 29 years: @ClimateCentral http://shar.es/FuQdh
Big Antarctic glacier to keep raising sea level, even without warming: @Reuters http://uk.reuters.com/article/2014/02/20/climate-antarctica-idUKL6N0LO44W20140220
An actual climate debate: Is the Arctic really drunk, or does it just act like it sometimes?: http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2014/02/inquiring-minds-jennifer-francis-kevin-trenberth-jet-stream-winter
RT Moms Clean Air Force @CleanAirMoms: Reading: Maine Council of Churches Establishes Fossil Free Investment Policy http://ift.tt/1h6Gs5d
RT Climate Reality @ClimateReality: 50 plans. 50 states. 100% renewable energy. No joke. http://bit.ly/1fEhSFn @SolutionsProj
Nazis, shoddy science, and the climate contrarian credibility gap: @dana1981 @guardian http://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2014/feb/21/nazis-climate-contrarian-credibility-gap
Scurvy Story: Why You Should Believe 97% of Climate Scientists, Not Long-Wrong John Christy: http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2014/02/21/3314301/scurvy-wrong-john-christy-climate/#
RT @Interwest: Plug-in EVs $3.6 billion in revenue worldwide in 2013, up from $707m in 2011 http://hub.am/1fZDxZU
U.K. Floods Bring Cameron’s Climatic Moment: @NYTimes http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/21/opinion/dancona-camerons-climatic-moment.html?_r=0
RT Peter Gleick @PeterGleick: Fox News casts doubt on climate change because of the temperatures in this little circle: http://mediamatters.org/blog/2014/02/21/right-wing-globe-contains-less-than-two-percent/198165 http://pic.twitter.com/TsKpemPX0E
#FF @HannahMurdockTX @algore @MartinScribbles @StephenLeahy #climate
#FF @TenneyNaumer @billbills @AdamPeretzman @johnlundin @TheEarthNetwork @FaunKime @alannogee @NobleIdeas #climate
#FF @Alex_Verbeek @climategeek @firebobbc @Lee_Tennant @bberwyn @suzyji @earthvisiontrst @shapeshiftdream #climate
#FF @DeSmogBlog @kkaufmann @chriscmooney @DRTucker @greenroofsuk @djspratt @climate_ice @dana1981 @TheDailyClimate #climate
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