RT Moms Clean Air Force @CleanAirMoms: 3 months before they see even a draft, ALEC and polluters are opposing carbon pollution limits: http://ow.ly/tPRnv @NRDCSwitchboard
RT Climate Reality @ClimateReality: RT @spunkycarol: Climate Leader @BrianEttling on using humor to communicate Climate Change -- good stuff! https://tinyurl.com/pgbg25y
Coal Flurry Pipeline: Many Power Plant Shutdowns Expected by 2016: @ClimateCentral http://shar.es/FqUZL
Snows of the Nile: The search for vanishing equatorial glaciers: @skepticscience http://www.skepticalscience.com/Snows-of-the-Nile-search-vanishing-equatorial-glaciers.html
Climate change deniers have grasped that markets can't fix climate: @guardian http://gu.com/p/3mqn2/tw
Accounting for global warming requires looking at oceans: @guardian http://gu.com/p/3mqqz/tw
Spelling out implications of Arctic sea ice melt for the climate: http://robertscribbler.wordpress.com/2014/02/20/amplifying-feedbacks-and-the-arctic-heat-scream-study-finds-polar-albedo-falling-at-twice-expected-rate-added-heat-equal-to-25-of-co2-forcing/
Emerging New Solar Superpower: Iowa: @greenman3610 http://climatecrocks.com/2014/02/20/emerging-new-solar-superpower-iowa/
RT Push Your Parents @PushYourParents: Parents: your pensions are screwing up your children's future http://gu.com/p/3mq2h/tw
Gravity of climate crisis has yet to sink in nationally: @Think_Or_Swim http://www.thinkorswim.ie/index.php/gravity-of-climate-crisis-has-yet-to-sink-in-nationally/
RT Barack Obama @BarackObama: Retweet if you're ready for Congress to accept the science and #ActOnClimate.
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